Entradas recientes

Helpline - Hack The Box

13 minuto(s) de lectura

I did Helpline the unintended way by gaining my initial shell access as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and then working my way back to the root and user flags. Both fla...

Arkham - Hack The Box

11 minuto(s) de lectura

Arkham was a medium difficulty box that shows how Java deserialization can be used by attackers to get remote code execution. After finding the JSF viewstate...

Fortune - Hack The Box

11 minuto(s) de lectura

In this box, I use a simple command injection on the web fortune application that allows me to find the Intermediate CA certificate and its private key. Afte...

LaCasaDePapel - Hack The Box

6 minuto(s) de lectura

I had trouble with the OTP token on this box: I never figured out why but whenever I scanned the QR code with my Google Authenticator app it would always gen...

CTF - Hack The Box

14 minuto(s) de lectura

This time it’s a very lean box with no rabbit holes or trolls. The box name does not relate to a Capture the Flag event but rather the Compressed Token Forma...