Entradas recientes

Kryptos - Hack The Box

21 minuto(s) de lectura

I loved the Kryptos machine from Adamm and no0ne. It starts with a cool parameter injection in the DSN string so I can redirect the DB queries to my VM and h...

Luke - Hack The Box

4 minuto(s) de lectura

Luke is a easy machine that doesn’t have a lot steps but we still learn a few things about REST APIs like how to authenticate to the service and get a JWT to...

Bastion - Hack The Box

6 minuto(s) de lectura

Bastion was an easy box where we had to find an open SMB share that contained a Windows backup. Once we mounted the disk image file, we could recover the sys...

Onetwoseven - Hack The Box

13 minuto(s) de lectura

OneTwoSeven starts with enumeration of various files on the system by creating symlinks from the SFTP server. After finding the credentials for the ots-admin...

Unattended - Hack The Box

18 minuto(s) de lectura

Unattended was a pretty tough box with a second order SQL injection in the PHP app. By injecting PHP code into the web server access logs through the User-Ag...